This app runs ok on my iPhone 5s but all the text in game renders much too small for my old eyes to easily read. I gave up after about half an hour.
I tried again on my iPad Air where things seemed better, at least I could read the game text. However, after about 2-3 hours of game play, I started seeing multiple "Segmentation Fault" crashes, crashes on game reload and bugged gameplay (cargo storage that reports 1/3 full despite not having any cargo aboard, missions that dont pay off despite meeting their requirements...). For an open world game with a huge galaxy to explore, having it corrupt its player data while I was still exploring the first 2/3 of the very first star system was pretty frustrating. I think the only way forward would be to start all over again, and whatever bug felled my game the first time, would still be lying in wait.
The game world looks interesting and the ship, crew and trade management aspects seem pretty well realized and fun, but if you cant reliably play it without corrupting your game state, then you basically cant play it at all.
Summary: Disappointing as is, but shows promise if Chasing Carrots can clean up the bugs.
sbj-in-az about Cosmonautica, v1.2.1